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Stefanie Jane Fear Not For You Are Redeemed

We've been quiet too long. There should be no shame felt as a survivor. It was someone else who victimized you, which has caused confusion and pain. It's not your fault and you are worth the effort to stand tall and make noise. You don't have to be quiet. Break the silence. 

If someone is abusing you or has sexually abused someone you know, get help. You don't need to be alone, because you are not. Find someone to be honest with.

There are many ways to seek help in the DFW. You can find the healing you need. This list in not all of the healing resources in the DFW, but it is a good start.


Please feel free to reach out to me if you need further assistance finding a safe place to heal. 


For Sexual Assault Healing Services in the DFW:


Collin County, Turning Point Rape Crisis: 972-985-0951


Cooke County, Abigail’s Arms: 940-665-2873           


Dallas County, Dallas Area Rape Crisis Center: 972-641-7273


Denton County, Friends of the Family:  940-382-7273


Ellis County, Healing Hearts Center: 800-828-7893


Hood County, Mission Granbury: 844-579-6848   


Hunt County, Crisis Center of NE Texas:  903-454-9999


Johnson County, Family Crisis Center: 817-641-2332   


Parker County, Freedom House: 817-596-8922


Rockwall County, Women In Need: 903-454-4357


Tarrant County, The Women’s Center: 817-972-2737 


Wise County, Wise Hope: 940-626-4855     



 If you live in Texas, you can find a full list of resources @


Texas Association Against Sexual Assault: Crisis Center Locator –



Sexual assault crisis centers throughout Texas - printed from North Texas e-News (



Christian Based Sexual Abuse Healing Support Groups, in the DFW: 


Alive at Last


Arise International ARISE! International, Inc - We Support Survivors (


SNAP Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priest 


Watermark Church- Sexual Abuse Recovery





 Learn How to Safeguard Your Church Against Predators: 




G.R.A.C.E. Godly Response to Abuse


in the Christian Environment







Extra Resources: 





If you are not certain you want to seek help, please read


this article to get a better understanding of how trauma


affects the brain.










Free Trauma Counseling to Victims of Crime in


North Texas


About Us | Trauma Support Services of North Texas | United States





A.C.T.S. Assessment of Care for Trauma Survivors Clinic


Assessment and Care for Trauma Survivors (ACTS) Clinic (


The Texas A&M Assessment and Care for Trauma Survivors (ACTS) Clinic provides virtual follow-up care for individuals 18 and older who have experienced trauma and violence such as sexual assault, domestic violence, strangulation and physical assault.

Follow-up care after trauma or an assault is essential. Using telemedicine technology, patients receive follow-up treatment with an advanced practice registered nurse using a mobile phone, tablet, computer or any connected device. Telemedicine allows patients to communicate in real time with a health care provider without having to visit a physical clinic or doctor's office. 




N.A.A.S.C.A.-- National Association

of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse

​ - National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse



The North Texas Conference of the Methodist Church

Created an extensive list of resources:


The National Association for Christian Recovery


Collin College Created an Extensive List of Resources:



If you are interested in a holistic approach this article may shine some light onto your options. Everyone heals differently. Find what works for you.







  Support Groups:


Al Anon - (888) 452-2666 


Substance Abuse Resources:

Start Your Recovery: Substance Abuse Resources & Support 


Alcoholics Anonymous - (214)-887-6699 - -


National Eating Disorders Association


Food Obsession & Addiction



 Free Hotlines:


Anorexia Nervosa and Associate Disorders 



CPS-Texas: To report: (800) 252-5400


Domestic Violence - Texas Council on Family Violence - (800) 799.SAFE or (800) 525-1978 (in Texas) -


National Eating Disorders Association 800-931-2237


Self Injury  (800) DON'T-CUT (366-8288)


National Human Trafficking Hotline 888-373-7888


Suicide Prevention Hotline  (800) SUICIDE (273-8255)


National Teen Line 800-852-8336


Teen Drug Abuse Hotline 844-289-0879


Texas Youth Helpline 800-989-6884




 Safe House For Men:


Denton County:  Bob’s House of Hope


for male sex trafficking victims between the ages of 18-24.


Bob's House of Hope - Ranch Hands Rescue


(940) 240-0500



Educate Yourself on How Truck Stops Are Used for Sex Trafficking: 

Trucking and Human Trafficking




If You Do Not Live in Texas:


Please call The National Sexual Assault Hotline at


There are lots of great anti-sexual assault foundations here in America, but I feel my mission most closely matches the missions of R.A.I.N.N. and Stop It Now! I was a child who was sexually assaulted for 6 years. The mental and physical abuse was home for the first 12 years. I was also raped. I understand and you are worth finding yourself the help you deserve.

1 in 6 woman and 1 in 33 men are sexually assaulted in their lifetime in America. This is a real problem for everyone. College woman are 4 times more likely to become victims.

Parents get informed so you know the warning signs. Don't just trust your child's coach; check in when they don't expect you. According to the U.S Bureau of Justice Statistics 93% of juvenile sexual assault victims know their attacker. Check out Stop It Now! @ to inform yourself on the warning signs. Learn how to take action in your community and where you can find the sex offender list. They do great work in helping prevent child sexual abuse.

Rape, Abuse, Incest, National Network R.A.I.N.N. is America's largest anti-sexual assault foundation in the USA. R.A.I.N.N. provides services to victims of sexual assault; educates the public; and leads national efforts to prevent sexual assault and bring rapists to justice. They are rated as one of the best charities to donate to. I feel they do the best job covering all forms of abuse. Check out their site at  R.A.I.N.N. Can help you locate a local sexual assault crisis center, to help aid in your healing process.

50% of all CD sales go directly to RAINN and Stop It Now.


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