Welcome to Stefanie Jane's Blog. I know it has been forever since I last posted. I needed to take a step back and do a little healing of my own. While I have been on my most recent healing journey with Jesus, He has been faithful, being near to my broken heart. Jesus truly never leaves us, or forsakes us, especially when life knocks the wind out of us. The place in life I am in, I never thought I would be here, but God, He's so trustworthy. Because of Him, I stand stronger than ever. Now, that I have walked through these latest battles, I know I am doing the will of God. Satan keeps trying to stop me from sharing my hope in healing. But Jesus wins again. I have faced so many fears since I released my book. God has shown me the importance of bringing Him my daily fears because I need Him to guide me through my fears, daily.
I had the honor of sharing my testimony on, "Faith in Your Recovery," Podcast. If you or someone you know, isn't sure if God is the answer to your healing and recovery, please listen to this episode. God has healing for everyone.
Click on the link below to listen to the interview.
Don't forget to buy a few copies of my book to hand out for gifts this Christmas. It will be here before you know it :) Just click on the image of my book to be directed to Amazon to purchase.