My deepest desire is to share my hope in healing through Jesus. I know what it’s like to be at the beginning of a healing journey and feel lost, wondering, “how can I ever do this alone?” Thank God we serve a faithful God who walks beside us. The will of God, in our lives, is for us to live in the victory of Christ. Jesus wants us to walk in the abundance of Him, but that is impossible if we are stuck in a dark place. Jesus is the Light of the world; He is calling you out of the darkness. Jesus is not afraid to meet you in your darkest place. Apart from Him we are stuck in the dark, but with the work of the Holy Spirit, we can have complete mental stability.
In complete willingness to follow the Word of God, freedom from past abuse can be healed. Many people have fears that had been planted, because of past sins committed against them. God is the Trustworthy Gardener; He prunes and weeds out everything that does not bring Him glory. Some people have a tendency to allow the weeds to reseed and choke out the good fruit God wants them to produce.
God wants to be first in every aspect of our lives, and He is willing to go to great lengths to get our attention. Time spent in sorrow is not wasted, when you spend that time seeking God, through the hurt. Satan is the one trying to keep you discouraged and afraid. God did not send the evil into your life, but He can use it for your benefit. Your healing depends on you taking God at His Word and learning to rely on it.
God will most likely take His time healing past wounds. Most people don’t heal from childhood trauma overnight. Negative habits and thought patterns take time to change, but it is God who is changing your attitude to align with His. Are you fighting against God, or are you allowing God to work in and through your hurt?
No one has all the answers, but God knows exactly where you are, and what you need. Our hope is found in Christ alone. Are you opening up your thought process to God? Prayer is so much more than kneeling by your bedside, at the end of the day, or asking God to bless your food. Talking to God is a necessity in your healing journey. God understands your thought process and your emotions. God sees into the desperation of your heart. But God also understands the people that cause you friction. He knows where each person is coming from. It is to our advantage that God does not show partiality.
We are never too dirty to reach for God. Jesus suffered on the cross for all people’s sins. The weight of the worlds sin problem laid squarely on His shoulders. When a person repents, God is pleased. This change in attitude keeps that person from continuing in their sin. The sanctification process cannot start until a person turns to God. He doesn’t have rules as to when you should turn to Him. His desire is that all turn to Him and confess Him to be Lord and Savior of their lives. How faithful are you in the midst of the battle? When we expect God to do mighty things, He will do mighty things. When you doubt the Lord, your lack of faith will be a downfall.
Some people choose to let abuse be the wedge that pulls them away from God. They may ask themselves, “how could a good God allow such horrors? In James 1:13, it says “God cannot be tempted with evil, and He Himself tempts no one.” Satan is the one that wants to steal, kill, and destroy the glory of God. He is the exact opposite of God. God is love; Satan is filled with hate. God is truth; Satan is a liar, there is no truth in him. God is the creator of all things; Satan cannot create, so he distorts and destroys God’s creation. Satan’s time is limited. Jesus already won the battle on the cross, we have today to be faithful in honoring Jesus with our whole lives. Some people need to accept the horrors that have happened and learn to move on. People don’t want the abuse to define who they are but choosing to not move past the abuse is defining their life, in a way they did not intend.
God called each of His followers to be bold in His strength. Overcoming depression is possible. Overcoming addiction is possible. Overcoming anger is possible. Overcoming the problems of the world is possible. All because God say, “Fear Not, For You Are Redeemed You.”
